Thursday, April 2, 2009


hush, there’s a storm
brewing deep within,
words and thoughts
battle- playing to win!
thoughts flow tangled
while words gently ripen-
unraveling the former
loosen the latter with a whirl.
look, there’s a calm
dancing with a spin
words and thoughts
twirl - waltzing in sync.


My mind draws a blank and then fills up with words, thoughts fall apart fighting to be heard. But when they begin to flow in tandem, it is a symphony, a performance, really a wow!

This is a draft, not sure when I would ever get to finish it, but publshing anyway. It is hard to write when I haven't done anything creative in ages. This was a struggle and it is only Day Two.
But it sure is good to be poeming again.


Anya Padyam said...

that was well said; and things left unspoken;
Can't put a finger on it- but feel connected to it:)

I love this play of words!!

Glad to see you ' poeming' again,

qualcosa di bello said...

how i wish my words & thoughts could always be so eloquently in sync as you describe! che bella!!

Mampi said...

The storm says it all-the battle shows it all.
HOpe the dance continues.