Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Eyes collide, moments are born
tales exchanged on contact alone
great walls erected, tumble down
angry pride banished like cloth worn
powerful connections grown and drawn
as eyes collide and moments are born!
a comment from Mampi had me replacing the words "cloth torn" with "cloth worn" Thank you Mampi.


mitr_bayarea said...

Oh, how beautiful when the eyes meet, isn't that when love happens too.

Mampi said...

Soft and lovely.
A suggestion-CLOTH TORN could also be CLOTH WORN.
Perhaps. Just something that stuck me, nothing in particular.
Loved it

UL said...

lovely suggestion...Mampi, I loved it so much, i am gonna replace torn with worn! Thank you.

Mampi said...


Bone said...

moments are born

Creative line and a beautiful thought.