Sunday, April 20, 2008


voice your sigh
compose a mold
fill brim high
with thoughts of gold

open your heart
break the mold
free your spirit
let peace be the goal


In response to Sunday Scribblings


Lucy said...

break the mold and peacefully live like a free spirit! Love that message Ul!

Tammy Brierly said...

"Thoughts of gold" over flowing works for me. ;)

Granny Smith said...

Let peace be the goal. How I hope for it!

paisley said...

we will definitely have some mold braking to do if we ever want to have peace....

Tumblewords: said...

Love this message! Laminated would be good! Love it.

Annie Jeffries said...

Beautiful message. The poem and the image above together would make a very inspirational bookmark.

Anonymous said...

What an interesting title-'unmolding' its a bit unnerving! Then we get to gold, free-spirits and peace! great post!

anthonynorth said...

A lovely sentiment, written well.

Anonymous said...

There is a lesson for the world here, and you put in such a lovely way