Monday, January 7, 2008

Rise And Shine

Dawn breaks over the tinted horizon
My heart thuds with resolved reason
I stand upright, hands clasped in prayer
Chant the mantra OM, rest unaware
What better way to welcome New Year!

I align the body with my mind
Prepare my spirit to unwind.
I inhale the dewy freshness
Then exhale the energy excess
First breathe in then breathe out
Eyes closed, I shut the world out!

My soul builds a musical rhythm
My being flows along entranced
Like in a trance or dance enchanted.
Magical movement at a glance
Breathtaking for those who chance!
Time stops for the duration
As though halting in admiration
Moments turn into endless eternity
As I travel this wondrous journey
Destination approaches too soon I find
Back to earth, relaxed body and mind.

Palms together I open my eyes
Only to witness this vision divine
The glorious sun has arisen,
Spreading warmth across the horizon!
Blessing me as I offer salutation
Thankful for this new resolution
This beautiful ritual at crack of dawn
I intend to pursue every morn.
Surya Namaskara’ aka sun salutation as most commonly known in Yoga terms is a prayer-cum-exercise I have performed daily as long as I can remember. It’s something I learnt as a child and enjoyed with all my heart. When the rest of the world slept, it felt wonderful to awaken and revel in the glorious beauty of Mother Earth at its peak. This is the one time I feel one with nature and experience the ethereal.
Over the past few years, I have drifted away from this morning ritual. I would like to say circumstances forced me to take a different route. But that would just be an excuse. Surely I don’t want to be making excuses at the beginning of a brand New Year.
I am proud to say I have already begun the rectification process, not yet at the crack of dawn but that will be soon, I hope. Very soon!
‘Rise and Shine’ is my motto. Hold me to it, my friends, hold me to it!
In response to Writer's Island prompt as well as Read Write Poem prompt .
I also would like this to be consideredfor last week's prompt at
Writer's Island that I tried to skip but just couldn't! :)
Happy New Year 08, Everyone!
Been behind on reading you folks, but promise to be around soon!
PS: I changed a line since I first posted, it wasnt ringing properly
until now.


Crafty Green Poet said...

you really capture the essence iof the ritual here it seems to me, though I don't yoga

Anonymous said...

this description of your daily ritual is very moving. one of my own goals for 2008 is to incorporate some kind of daily practice like this one. now i must must must must. thanks!

Linda Jacobs said...

Wonderful sounds in here! Plus, I love the serenity!

Jeques said...

It is calming - like a balm to the soul - soothing the senses. Your words bring me to the enchanting place of the ritual, you brought me serenity in the process.

Here's mine:

I wish you well.

~ Jeques

Tumblewords: said...

Lovely poem for the ever so perfect sun salutation! Maybe we could challenge each other! I do the pose in my yoga class, otherwise I just think about it.

Anonymous said...

surya namaskar is so much part of life of a hindu. i can't even think of quiting it.

Lea said...

I knew it, the minute I started to read that this looking over the horizon is something you know in your bones... beautiful. How amazing that this is something you've done since being a child... wow... it just awakens so much...

Anonymous said...

Beautiful - the joy of a daily rise and shine like this must surely make each day splendiferous! Love this!

Robin said...

Your words paint a beautiful, soothing picture, an echo of the peace you've created within yourself.

Keith's Ramblings said...

What a wonderful way to start the day. So positive - I envy you. Me? I get out of bed, yawn, and get back in again!

Rambler said...

I have done surya namaskara so many times, I never thought about it this way, nice post. thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

I learnt the salutation to the sun many years ago at yoga classes but sadly I didn't keep it up.

totomai said...

the last line of the poem is really powerful. it defines the totality of the poem.

hope 2008 will bring you joy and happiness

aMus said...

i've always thought about oing the surya namaskar...this almost motivates me...:)

Preethi said...

Very motivating.. the surya namaskar was so lovely... and a true call to rise and shine!!! Nice take!!
Over the Horizon

Unknown said...

YOu definitely envoke a sense of peace through these words...thank you.

My first entry is located at:

little wing writer said...

you have described this so beautifully i felt myself taking the cleansings breaths with each movement...i have not done this exercise in quite sometime and thank you for bringing the remembrance of peace and alignment back to mind...the best to you in 2008

paisley said...

oh ul... this was extraordinary!!! i loved it,, the writing and the concept!!! i am a very much pre dawn riser.. and this is indeed something i will have to think about inculcating into my mornings as well.....

Chris said...

You are a true poet!

Whitesnake said...

I like the flexibility in this piece.

Pip said...

Wonderful! I've always wanted to spend New Years in a meditation or yoga retreat. Usually I'm at a big dance party in the wilderness somewhere, which is a pretty good compromise! One of my goals for this year is to progress my practice, and your post makes that resolve even stronger, so thank you!

Tammy Brierly said...

You put me in your space with your poetry. Beautiful!

Lucy said...

what a wonderful way to start the day.
I should adopt your routine. Lately, I just can't move in the morning...
Your poem was so well written Ul,
great response to the prompt :)

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your resolution! The sun salutation is a non-verbal prayer that prepares me for the verbal. I'm glad you were awakened into your poem.

writerwoman said...

There is an incrediably peaceful feeling that flows through this whole poem. Lovely and serene.

Anonymous said...

Tranquility sets in fairly quickly reading Rise And Shine and your detail to the ritual makes me feel like I'm engaging in the ritual myself! A very serene and meditative way to start the day. Lovely!