Friday, October 12, 2007

Work And I

Pay of Hundred

India, under graduation, one hundred rupees and absolute bliss is all I can remember really. I got to bunk classes with ‘permission’ and get paid too. Fabulous. What exactly did I do? Well, me and a bunch of other girls got to dress up in traditional attire to meet and greet the famous sports celebrities of the time. Up, close and personal. The two dollar equivalent compensation was well worth the effort. My very first job, oh I had plenty of fun and tonnes of autographs to prove it too.


Cook or clean, that’s the question! I am a clean freak. For the same reason, I find day to day cooking a chore. Not sure how some people use it as a tension reliever. More of a tension creator if you ask me. I worry about the clearing up after. All those pots and pans to clean. All those counter tops to wipe and shine.I cook to put healthy food in my mouth. Or rather, my family's mouth! If I were single, I would live off frozen meals or microwave dinners any day. I could snack all day and not eat anything else. A bag of chips, a chocolate bar or a batch of cookies will make my day. Bhel puri or pappadi chaat, bhaji's or vadai's would suppress my hunger. Not healthy, definitely not nutritious. But I could do it, just to avoid cooking on a daily basis.
Therefore cooking would be the worst job in my list and I am glad I don’t have to cook often. My husband loves to cook! Thank goodness.

Cook or clean, that’s the question.

Teaching yoga and…or writing.

I am half and half here. I am still undecided about picking one over the other. I enjoy both activities tremendously and wouldn’t consider it work. At the moment they’re just hobbies that I make time for each day. Yes, you heard me right. I find time to pursue my hobbies everyday simply because they raise my spirit and calm my mind. It could be fifteen minutes one day and three hours another. I always try to find the time. One of these days I am going to get off my rat race and pursue these real interests full-time. Until then this will have to do.

I can’t wait… to behold my dream job.

Reality- My Rat Race

We’ve a love-hate relationship,
My work and I!

Every other day,
there's a problem to solve.
Every other month,
there's a dealine to meet.
And then every year,
becomes a learning curve.

Often, it’s exciting,
Often, it’s challenging
And then there are times
I could call it quits!

I go through times,
there’s little to do,
I browse the web,
And surf the net.

Time seems to drag,
from hour to hour.
Then there are times,
there’s no time to blink,
I miss my meals,
And ignore my mails.
Time seems to fly,
from week to week.

I cruise down,
unknown paths
never ending trails,
and sometimes,
dead ends too.

It drives me insane
It drives me crazy
But it keeps me going,
for there's light,
at the end too.

Design and analysis,
a part of daily life.
Code talk,
a part of daily routine.
Geeks and nerds,
summarizes it all.

Awful and boring,
as bad as it sounds,
odd friendships,
money and flexibility,
makes up for it all.

And then one day,
my app. takes life,
makes me fill,
with happiness and pride.
and fills me deep
with satisfaction inside.

We’ve a love-hate relationship,
My work and I !

For Sunday Scribblings


Jo said...

I loved this post......the prose and poetry too! Well done.

UL said...

Thanks Jo.

Tumblewords: said...

Ah, I liked this a lot. The form you chose is great and the ups and downs are fun to read!

paisley said...

i am with jo.. this was very well put together.. i loved it,, and i am single and do live off the like... so your right... you would!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Interesting post....

Patois42 said...

Ah, the love/hate relationship we often have we our jobs. You described it well.

Pen said...

This was a great post. I especially loved the poetry at the end.

UL said...

Thanks folks