Monday, December 17, 2007

Looking Back, Moving Forward

Looking back now, 2007 was certainly an interesting year to say the least, because it was full of ups and downs, not to mention the flats in between. But then that’s life is it not? How could life be anything else? It has to be full of opposites, filled with positives and negatives to challenge our hearts and soul. That’s why we enjoy life, that’s why we get attached to life in spite of the down falls that are bound to occur from time to time. How else would we learn to appreciate the goodness that life has to offer us too?

So yes, every year that has gone past taught me, surprised me, and tested me in ways that I could never possibly have imagined. The journey has had pitfalls as well as sky rocketing fun so far and I am only midway. I can’t wait to experience what’s ahead and collect my dues as I tread along, sometimes walking, sometimes running and at other times panting! How about stopping, you ask me?

Yep, I deliberately left out ‘stopping’ because lately I have been constantly moving and hasn’t found the time to stop, revel and appreciate the simple things in life. They say that for one who never stops to smell the roses, life will become a bed of thorns. How true! So here I am counting my many blessings at the close of a very challenging year, slowing my marathon of a journey into a slow walk with many stops in between to appreciate and cherish moments that are slipping through my fingers like grains of sand.

The last chapter of 2007 is closed with pleasure and nostalgia and I look forward to a whole New Year with curiosity and adventure. Where will I be this time next year? A question that would definitely nudge me from one moment to the next, but at the end of which I hope to say…."I stopped to treasure each grain of sand that passed my way before letting go….”
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In response to the prompt from SulekhaBlogs, my very first attempt
Prompt follows:
Enter the last Sulekha Short Story Challenge of 2007 NOW! Post a blog that begins with "Looking back now, 2007 was certainly an interesting year to say the least, because ...""

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