Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Beauty In Words - I Promise Blogroll

Just Paisley
Write Away


Preeti Shenoy said...

Wow--thanks for all these links--and hey--thanks for the mention!

Roop Rai said...


MsRose said...

UL, This is very thoughtful and I feel humbled ! Thank you for thinking of me and all these lovely writers you've added:)
You are fabulous! ((HUGS))

TC said...

Thanks, UL. That was very sweet of you :)

lissa said...

thanks, UL. I think you deserve this as much as the rest of us. thank you and hope you continue to write more wonderful poetries and stories for us to share.

Robin said...

How sweet, thank you ((hug)).

Unknown said...

Awesome :D.

Anonymous said...

You brought a lot of smiles to a lot of people including me, thank you, UL. :)

SandyCarlson said...

Thanks for that! You're very kind.

Anonymous said...

Thanks! So sweet!

Lucy said...

Thanks so much Ul! This is a wonderful gift!
I am honored to be mentioned amongst such gifted bloggers and especially honored that you thought of me! I give this award RIgHT back to you! ♥ ♥

Anonymous said...

You're the reason why we're nice to you, UL! Thank you for including me in your list - I feel very honored and touched. I enjoy coming here too, and I am always pleased when you vivit my blog and leave your sincere coments. Much love to you, too.

Tumblewords: said...

Oh, thank you! It's always a pleasure to visit your blog - you deserve the award, for sure. Thanks for thinking of me.

Joyce Ellen Davis said...

Thank you very much for including me! I am honored.

Annie Jeffries said...

Oh, thank you so much. What a nice surprise to start out my Friday morning. Hugs, Annie

Compassion Unlimitted said...

Thanks UL ,that was lovely gesture to remember one and all.As the blog group grows ,the friends circle widens amazingly..Thanks a Ton again

Anonymous said...

thank you dear friend, it means a lot... have always enjoyed your writing it is inspiring and filled with wonder.. [recently i had to change my name from LittleWing to OneMoreBeliever... there is another Little Wing and we were getting mixed up...]

Anonymous said...

Aren't you lovely! To give it to everyone.......says a lot about you.
Thank you so much and right back at you!

Linda Jacobs said...

Thanks! I'm amazed at all the kind and interesting people I've met online!

Anonymous said...

Thanks! It's really nice of you to include me.
I'll check out the other bloggers listed.

Sian said...

Thank you so much UL. You are very sweet

Prats said...

wow! that was such a wonderful gesture. Thank you so much.
Hope you have many more blogging years ahead of you :D

Crafty Green Poet said...

Thanks so much, how sweet of you!

WriterKat said...

Ul, you are so sweet. Thank you so much! I've been away so I haven't had a chance to discover this until now. You are the best & very deserving of this reward, and so thoughtful to share it. :-)

qualcosa di bello said...

thank you so much!

i am glad we are on the blogroll are so deserving of this honor!

Lea said...

Thank you so for this gift of recognition and for having me be a part of these wonderful writers and connections that we all have YOU in common to share!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Darling for your lovely thought - which just happened to be the day of the accident. Ten weeks on I'm recovering and will get this up onto my blog!
hey too where are YOU, no posting for a while ??? Hoping everything is perfect for you. xoxoxo